Monday, November 2, 2009

Alaska / Canada

Logjam Creek, Prince of Wales, Alaska
Control Lake Cabin, Prince of Wales, Alaska (this is a forest service cabin we stayed in)

12 pound Silver (Coho) salmon from Klawock River, Alaska (Prince of Wales)
This is a Chinook (King, or sometimes called 'Spring') salmon, taken offshore from Sooke, British Columbia (Vancouver Island) weighed about 30 pounds, so they call it a "Tyee"
Prince of Wales, Alaska
Beautiful male Sockeye salmon, Klawock river, Alaska
A big Chum (dog) salmon...the huge, sharp teeth scared me....
Dad with a male humpy (pink salmon), caught on a fly (see in corner of mouth), Black Bear Creek, Prince of Wales, Alaska
Onboard Captain Otto Green's boat, near Craig, Alaska
Chris, Curtis, and Clif with a few fish from the bottom (Klawock, Alaska)...mostly halibut and cod, with a few snapper and rock fish
My grandfather, Charles Clifton Andrews' homemade salmon rod...we took it with us to Alaska and caught a bunch of salmon with it (for family history reasons)
Chris and Dad with a pair of Pink Salmon from Black Bear Creek, Prince of Wales, Alaska
Tiny Jack Silver (coho) from Campbell River, BC (on Vancouver Island)
Silver (Male) from Hatchery Creek, Alaska
Klawock River, Alaska Coho (Silver) salmon
Control Lake, Alaska

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